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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Review: The ABC's of Freezer Cooking by K.M. Logan

The ABC's of Freezer Cooking by K.M. Logan, NF, 2012, 53p, Rating=3
Source: own

As easy as ABC, this book is written with the inexperienced, beginner cook in mind. It is not primarily a cook book, but an introduction to freezer cooking.

If you've ever wondered what it would be like to have an extra hour in the evening to yourself and not have to worry about the dreaded question, "Hey Mom, what's for dinner?" then freezer cooking just might be for you.

If you've ever wondered what it would be like to have an extra hour in the evening to yourself and not have to worry about the dreaded question, "Hey Mom, what's for dinner?" then freezer cooking just might be for you. The "ABC'S of Freezer Cooking" covers all the basics to teach you how and how not to prepare freezer meals for your family. From cooking all your meals for a month in just one day, or preparing just a few extra meals for when you're family is particularly busy, this book is full of helpful tips and tricks to help you make it happen.

Included is how to write a meal plan, money saving strategies, 15 basic recipes, and there is even a section on how to utilize freezer cooking as a weight loss tool. If you're looking for a quick read, and an introduction into the world of make-ahead meals then this book is the perfect place to get started. Written with the beginning freezer cook in mind. (Amazon)

This was a quick overview of the author's world in freezer cooking written in ABC chapter format ...A is for Arrange time now to save time later, B is for Baked goods, etc.  Ms Logan used her experience with freezer cooking and spoke of the benefits it holds and encouraged the reader to try it out.  She shared tips that has worked for her. 

The art of freezer cooking is no rocket science so much of what she stated were common sense.  For example, I couldn't wait to get to the letter W for Weight Loss to see what she wrote there.  There she had a two paragraph, one page entry that basically said to package meals in controlled portions ..label packages with calorie count if desired.  Not exactly what I was looking for in that section but this isn't a diet book so shame on me!  This is a book about how freezer cooking can save you time in the kitchen cooking.  So the key that came across was preparation, preparation, preparation ... prepare ahead of time meals that can easily be put together in a snap. 

I don't foresee myself cooking a month's worth of meals like this author does but doubling what I cook and freezing half is doable.  I've done it a few times and this book did inspire me to try it out more often.

At the end, the author imparted ten best tips.  Tip #5 I've put into practice (tweaked for non-freezer meals) and have worked for me beautifully so this book gets a half a star rating up for the idea,  "Keep a meal plan on your fridge of meals you have in your freezer and your lightning fast meal choices.  I don't assign days on my meal plans, I just cross the meals off as we eat them."  See, I'm awful at meal planning.  The most I prepare my meals is see what I have in my freezer for meat the night before, defrost it that night in the fridge, then the next day I hope that there's something in my pantry that would accessorize it!  So this tip is for me!  I now generate a list of generic meals steak, spaghetti, sandwich, etc and cross the meals as we eat them instead of assigning specific daily meals.  Of course, this means I keep up a well stocked pantry.

Oh by the way, this book did include some recipes under Y, Yummy Recipes.  I haven't tried any of it and honestly it doesn't look like something my family eats often so that section isn't for me. ;)

1 comment:

  1. I need to do more meal planning and freezing too. Sorry it wasn't what you were looking for, hope your next does!
    Happy reading,
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog


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