Diary of Two Mad Black Mormons: Finding the Lord's Lesson in Everyday Life by Zandra Vranes and Tamu Smith, 2014, NF -religion, Hardcover, 221p, My Rating=5
Source: provided by publicist in exchange for an honest review
Are Mormons funny? Oh, heavens, yes! Especially when looking through the lens of Sistas in Zion two very funny ladies
with testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Their unique
perspective and diary entries will have you laughing one minute
and saying "Amen!" the next as they talk about personal experiences as well as lessons they've learned from pop culture about relationships, sisterhood, standing up for what you believe,
embracing diversity, dealing with adversity, and what it means to be a Christian. This humorous and poignant outlook on life will strengthen your faith and tickle your funny bone. And you'll soon realize that the authors aren't really mad, they're just crazy funny and inspiring to listen to!
I ate this book up! I ate this book up! Everything on the blurb above was true. The recipe of diary entries and "Halleluja Holla Back" in formatting this read was genius. I loved that this book was raw, personal, and laugh out loud funny!! I’m Mormon and I didn’t think Mormons can be that funny …I mean in terms of approaching the gospel. I’m the straight shooter type, you know, the serious, give-me-the-rules-to-follow kind. But now that I’ve been exposed to the Sistas of Zion’s way of approaching the gospel, well, color me perky! Life suddenly got better. I kid you not. I was edified and stirred to look for, find, and appreciate the Lord's lesson in my everyday life.
I so enjoyed this book so much that my copy is now sitting next to my favorite book, Standing for Something by Gordon B. Hinckley (a prophet!). Both books were incredibly inspiring and left me with lasting impressions. Again, it was amazing to me how both shared the same message of strength found through living the gospel but did so by polar opposite writing styles. Hinckley told it in gentle, authoritative matter while Vranes and Smith told theirs with wit. This is an affirmation to me that the gospel is for all, from the serious to the "mad" (the good crazy, of course).
I cannot recommend this book enough. Really, GO! Go get this book now! Mormon or not, this read will truly excite you to live well. A book worthy to chill along side books written by modern prophets.
Hallelujah Holla Back,
Jinky ;)

Awesome review! I post mine tomorrow. I agree with you 100%--such a great book!