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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pondering the Scriptures Sunday #8

Today let's take a look at Luke 2:7 :
"And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn."

I found a song in YouTube that goes with this scripture.  It has beautiful art images as well as footage of fruits of service.  It's a great kick off for this Christmas season.  ~Enjoy!

"Do You Have Room?" by Shawna Edwards

"Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus."
Neal A. Maxwell

1 comment:

  1. The lovely, tranquil images of Christmas from the New Testament for some people also bring up the contrasting Old Testament images where people start to wonder, based on the harshness of the punishment, if the God of the Old Testament is not some mean, cruel god, while the God of the New Testament is a compassionate, merciful god. Well, the two are one and the same God. The best proof for this is the OT account, in 1st and 2nd Kings, of the prophet Elijah. In that account, Elijah speaks of a severe drought that blankets the land. In order to end the drought, scores of months later, Elijah arranges a competition of sorts, or competition of prayers to end the drought, between the God of Israel and the gods of the pagans. Elijah's prayers are heard, but a horrifying blaze of fire belts down upon the ceremony of the pagans. Soon, escaping the wrath of the pagans, Elijah huddles in the sanctuary of a cave, where he experiences horrible winds, a fire, an earthquake. In each of these horrendous "works of God" God is not truly present. Only in a still, soft whisper is God truly present. In other words, the same "harsh" God who afflicts those who defy Him in the OT, this same God would much prefer the gentlest and softest of whispers in order to reach His children with His wisdom than use brash methods. Only when those who stuff up their (our?) ears against hearing His wisdom must he resort to sterner tactics, but it is NOT his preferred way. Thus, the God of the OT is the same God as the God of the NT. Please be aware that the account of Elijah the prophet is now on a new feature film called "Blast and Whisper." You can check out this movie at the fan page which exists at!/pages/BLAST-AND-WHISPER/322296232152
    and also see more information at the IMDb page:
    Mark Moran
    Breadwin Productions LLC


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