How Much Do You Love Me? by Paul Mark Tag, AF -historical/romance, 2014, ebook, 256p, My Rating=4.5
Source: review copy provided by publicist in exchange for an honest review
Lovers James and Keiko marry quickly before James goes to World War II and Keiko to an internment camp. Sixty years later their daughter Kazuko, born in the camps, uncovers a secret that could overwhelm the family. Discover the very definition of human love and self-sacrifice in this saga of war, mystery, and romance.
Stories set in World War II era fascinate me. I think war brings out the worst and best in people so there are priceless lessons to be learned. That’s not what ended happening in this novel. Instead it laid out a beautiful family love story in the backdrop of war time. I’m not a very patient person so it was a frustrating read as the author was setting up for the two big surprises toward the end. But when that first revelation came so did the relief of fulfillment. Every little clue came together and it was magical. It shocked me that I was in love with the families (particularly the Tanaka’s) all along. My personal hardship with political jargon was actually providing the vehicle for my empathy and waiting so long (about 90% along) for the enlightenment was worth it. Then that last surprise just blew me away! It’s a girl’s dream to have a man like James.
I learned some things about the Japanese American internment but it was in the rich secret story of the Tanaka’s that captured my heart and you know me, I’m a sucker for books that tug at the heart.

Well, I am definitely a sucker for this kind of stories too
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Your reader,
Soma R.