What an incredible book! This will definitely be in my list of favorites!! A fascinating story indeed. I was dream lifted to Afghanistan and met beautiful families and got a taste of their culture and language. I also got to see terrible people and horrifying abuse. Here, I saw the power of guilt to painfully eat away a man's soul but, with a price, come to find salvation in the end. Largely, I was moved at the depth of love, loyalty, and sacrifice a true friend makes for another. I was introduced to different perceptions of how to survive. Wow, the cast of characters is just amazing! Clearly, I found myself sad and repulsed so I'm glad that there was a happy ending ...
Some people say, life sucks and you die. This book to me says, life sucks without family and courage.
~Thanks Brother Gunther and Arlyn for suggesting this book.
kite runner is my favourite book so far.... it impacts me like no other books can!