The book cover caught my eye as I was browsing through the books at Costco. What a crisp and beautiful cover picture! I know people say, don't judge by the cover but look at this, too pretty not to see what's inside. The designer did a great job because they got me hook, line, and sinker! Anyway, this was a no-brainer, fun book. A story about a pre-teen girl that went through a role reversal when having to take care of her mentally ill mother while her father used the excuse of long business trips to be away from them. CeeCee had to endure the embarrassing psychotic episodes and privately "wished" her mother to die; and unexpectedly the wish comes true! Her father agrees to send CeeCee to live with her great-aunt in Savannah, her mother's country roots. She soon is encircled by charming character of women that she will come to know as family. First, she will have to find out if her outcast life back in Ohio will transfer to her new life in Savannah or will she be popular? Above all, she will have to test her father's words of "One day you'll thank me."
I want to live with her great-aunt Tallulah, better known as Aunt Tootie!! The southern ways and the exotic women were inviting. Beautiful place with beautiful culture. Sweet to read about southern hospitality and southern antics ... really tickle your funny bone moments!
I would recommend this to someone looking for a simple, curl in a warm corner, chick book.
**My quotables:
"Life will offer us amazing opportunities, but we've got to be wide-awake to recognize them." pg. 160
Sounds like a fun read. I love chic-flic books that I can curl up with!