My Review
Are We Special by Heffret S. Reber & Steven P. Moody, LDS, Self-help, 2013, 267p, Rating=5
Source: provided by authors in exchange for an honest review
Are We Special? examines the source of the feeling experienced by so many of us and portrayed in so many films and books, that we are more than merely mortal beings and may even be chosen to fulfill some special destiny. Drawing upon the scriptures and the teachings of modern-day prophets, Are We Special? contrasts the true, divine origin of this special feeling with the worldly counterfeits propped up by the Adversary that lead us away from the love of God and produce feelings of pride, selfishness, and despair.
Are We Special? provides insights from the gospel that are reinforced by psychological research and the authors' therapeutic expertise that will help the reader become more vigilant against the subtle manifestations of the Adversary's lie and more receptive to the resources God has provided us to know how truly and wonderfully special we all are.
This book began with a premise that we once lived with Heavenly Father and when we came to earth, the separation from Him caused a void in us that longed to be filled. This book ventured the psyche of man in his relationship with God to identify how we fill that void. Guided by the principles found from the teachings in the LDS* church, the authors came up with a system of ideas to help us understand why we think and do what we do. They categorized this theory into personality quadrants (Pharisees, Egoists, Nihilists, Disciples)**, using a combination of belief in the TRUTH or LIE. At any given time, one can be found in a quadrant. The best quadrant to be is "Disciples", where you accept the truth and deny the lie.
My copy of this book is all marked up and frankly, stained with tears. I found it to be very insightful, edifying, hopeful, and especially caring. It not only provided the "what" to thought processes but the "why" and so I came out of the read armed with the power of knowledge that can help me succeed in truly filling the "void". Such power came from the scriptural and prophetic words that were cited. The author's personal examples also strengthened my understanding. Overall, my spirit felt the truth of the admonition that were being conveyed. God's message of love radiated in this book and seeped to my heart. It was and is an amazing feeling. Read this book and you will feel it too.
Moving, truthful, and empowering ..period.
*LDS: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
** | Accept the Truth | | Deny the Truth |
Accept the Lie | | Pharisees | | Egoists |
Deny the Lie | | Disciples | | Nihilists |
Amazon * Deseret Book
About the Authors

Jeffrey S. Reber holds a PhD from Brigham Young University in psychology. He’s an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at BYU. His publications look at the relationship between religion, psychology, and interpersonal relationships. He has also worked with LDS Family Services and has served as a bishop.

Steven P. Moody received his master’s degree in clinical social work from the University of Southern California. At USC, his clinical work focused on families, including marital therapy and relationships. Steven has worked as a counselor with LDS Family Services. He is now a therapist in private practice specializing in both relationships and addictions.
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