Living Your Covenants Every Day by Jennifer Brinkerhoff Platt, NF -LDS, Self-help, 2013, 145p, Rating=5
Source: provided by author in exchange for an honest review
The little things we do on a daily basis don’t just matter—they can make all the difference. Intentional daily acts focused on covenant-keeping will bind us to the Savior as we are deliberate and determined to follow Him in small and simple ways. Drawing upon the teachings and lives of ancient and modern prophets, author Jennifer Brinkerhoff Platt identifies patterns of truth that encourage increased commitment to covenant relationships while diminishing the binding grip of the adversary. Included are chapters on the need to be consistent in covenant- keeping, on recognizing Satan’s tactics and lies, on undoing self-destructive routines, on the role of the Spirit to help us both feel and follow promptings, and on the power of daily scripture study and prayer in establishing habits that reinforce and support our commitment to the Savior.
A wonderful self-help book that reminds the latter-day saints to basically live each day as Jacob did in the Book of Mormon, "to choose to anchor our lives in Christ and take the Spirit as our guide." (pg75). The author encouraged its readers to find ritualization in our daily activities that represent what we truly value and believe. For example (my example), if you value family, spend quality time together. Moreover, this ritualized life consists of three fundamental parts: preparation for the event, participation in the event, and reminiscence of the event. Thus, "think of it as doing what you normally do with greater purpose and intention" (pg35).
Ms. Platt referenced the book of 2nd Nephi a lot, particularly verse 9. This is so because it contained a teaching of the Atonement. Rightly so because the Atonement does play a great deal in living the covenants every day as the title states. "It is by recognizing our reliance on the Lord that we are able to do what is required of us. We only fail when we try to do it alone." (pg107) that! I also love that the author gave personal trials that she learned from that helped to demonstrate a particular principle. Likewise, statements from modern prophets. Furthermore, I especially love the stories of people she met that gave her insights, spiritual uplifts, encouragements, and support.
Overall, this book reminds us that Satan is relentless in his quest to join him in misery so fight his lies and temptation by believing in Christ and living the principle of the Atonement each day. The homework at the end of each chapter served to aid in doing so. They were thought provoking, reflective, and more importantly supports action. A format like you would find in Church teaching manuals.
I highly recommend this book. It is full of caring words of wisdom. So I will conclude with one of my favorites, "remember that the most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you discovered why" (pg98).
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Glad you loved it, too! Great review! I love the examples you gave. I wish I had requested a paper copy because I have to read books from Deseret Book on my phone and it's too difficult to highlight so I have to take notes or go from memory (which can be scary).