Does This Insecurity Make Me Look Fat? by Michelle Wilson, NF -Self-help, 2013, Paperback, 176p, Rating=5
Source: provided by author through publisher in exchange for an honest review
• Why do clothing stores hang fun-house mirrors in their dressing rooms?
• The laundry doesn’t cry when it’s not folded, so why should I?
• Can I be confident even if an elevator calls me fat?
Michelle Wilson’s humorous yet poignant insights help women examine the limitations we place on ourselves out of insecurity and self-doubt. We have faith in God, but do we know that He has faith in us?
When we see ourselves with God’s eternal perspective, we can feel confident and whole—even in our imperfection. Just think what we might accomplish if we truly believe that we are more important than we know, stronger than we realize, and extraordinary in every way.
This book was for me. I was already bawling by page ten! I was in tears intermittently throughout the book because I'm going through some insecurities now and therefore could relate to the anxieties the author illustrated. Plus, the scriptural references had me feeling loved and understood so the water works of comfort came easily. I was reminded that life throws each of us a variety of Enemies of Perspective (false reality) but having the right Perspective (way God views things) to combat them makes for a winning day. This book equipped me with the tools to remember God's eternal perspective (the bigger picture) and how to daily apply it to my life.
Ms. Wilson had chock-full of personal examples that provided great analogy to make a point. After all, analogies are the modern day parables. It's a fantastic way to grasp a concept being presented. It's scary how some of them described me to the T! It seems like I've found my spiritual twin. But in seriousness, the big take out for me was that Heavenly Father is truly at my side championing for my success in my life. That understanding inspires me to be confident and with a twist to the title, I can instead ask, "Does this confidence make me look magnificent?".
Geared to women but the principles can apply to any that may feel insecure. I highly recommend this book to those wanting or needing to be uplifted. Ms. Wilson has a pulsing way of bringing to remembrance the power of God's love of hope and faith in each of us. You will see yourselves in her words and then you will find peace in God's.
Thank you Ms. Wilson for this splendid book. It is helping me.

Thank you so much for the kind words! It sounds like we are twins! And there are probably many more out there like us. Thank goodness for a loving Heavenly Father and His Perspective! And thank you again!