The 7-Day Christian by Brad Wilcox, NF -Religion, 2014, Hardback, 154p, Rating=5
Source: provided by publicist in exchange for an honest review
Christianity is facing great opposition. At the very least, most
Christians know what it is like to end up on the “wrong” side of a “politically correct” conversation. More than ever before, we need believing and behaving disciples—men and women who are ready to stand up, stand together, and change the world one righteous choice at a time.
Filled with personal experiences and heartwarming stories, this book emphasizes the importance of living in accordance with Christian values seven days a week and offers practical suggestions for how to actually pull it off. In addition to finding personal peace and having a positive impact on others, choosing to live as a daily disciple opens the door for tremendous personal development.
I am a Christian (Mormon) and so I like the premise of living a Christian life seven days a week as opposed to just on Sundays. Try as I may I often fall short in living accordingly every single day so I was eager to see what I can learn from this book on the matter. Although the general principles were not new to me, the author had interesting ways of looking at them from another view. The test in the distinction of this book would then be in its delivery of the content. There I say, "Well done!" This was so because every key principle was backed up with scripture from the Holy Bible and with a personal example, whether his or someone else's. Doing it this way gave the truth character and accountability. For example, in the chapter, "Without Wax", the principle of sincerity was discussed ... "Those who claim to be Christians must live lives that are sincere --clean, pure, sound --the same on the inside as they appear on the outside." (p47). Here, the author referenced Matthew 23:25 and as a personal experience he told the story of when he helped a young mother carry her suitcases. It was a simple act of service on the author’s part but the young mother saw it as so rare as to be convinced that he must have been an angel. Consequently, a principle was defined and now Christians are answerable to that fundamental truth and have a choice to act on what Jesus would have them do. Ergo, the principle of sincerity wasn't new to me but hearing it again in action was invigorating and this book was full of such uplifting remembrance of discipleship.
I know I should be living a Christlike life everyday so this book was a magnificent cause to do some reflection and provided inspiration to make it happen. It also imparted strong regard to the benefits of righteous living on individuals and society. Noting the empowerment one has to help change the view of Christians for the positive.
I like the straightforwardness writing of this author. It wasn't overwhelming in scripture as to get preachy nor his examples boastful. I felt a gentleness, a sincerity, and experience in the read so it wasn't a surprise that my spirit softened to the words and I believe that your Christian heart will feel the same. Perhaps if we hear the truths enough times, they might finally sink in! :)
Few quotables (that I caught when a pencil was at hand):
"Integrity fears no hidden cameras. The actions that count the most in life are those seen by the fewest people." p30
"I don't pretend to know much. My faith is so simple. But I trust God. I want to walk in His way and keep my commitments to Him. I see His love and kindness everywhere I look --even in this place that most would describe as 'God forsaken'". -p111 (author's friend in prison)
"Knowledge of Christ's resurrection not only changes the hereafter, it can also change what we are here after." p136
"We do not act in an effort to be worthy of grace. We act because we are enabled by grace." p146
About the Author
BRAD WILCOX has lived in Ethiopia, Chile, and New Zealand; he and his family now make their home amid the Rocky Mountains. Brad taught sixth grade before obtaining his PhD in education from the University of Wyoming. His contributions as an author and teacher have been honored by the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, and his work has appeared in Guideposts magazine and Reader’s Digest. He once served as a member of the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America and has addressed thousands of youth and adults across the United State, Europe, Australia, and Japan. He and his wife, Debi, are the parents of four children.

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