Deadly Deals (Sisterhood #16) by Fern Michaels, AF, p2009, 2010 Playaway audio, 7hrs, rating=1
Jumping into the sixteenth installment of this series without reading the first fifteen showed to be a big mistake. Perhaps with more background this book might have been a better feel. However, as a stand alone ... well, I didn't care for it.
The story ... a couple having fertility problems gets a surrogate, gets twins, surrogate wants babies back, lawyer turns out to be a crook, so what now? Well, the 'Sisterhood' to the rescue of course ... and that's pretty much where it went wrong. The vigilante-cattiness of these ladies was not pleasant to read. Such an awful portrayal of women. Not my cup of tea! However, this will not be the last I'll read from this author. I'm sure there's at least one I'd like. I'll just have to be choosy and hope for the best.
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, AF, c1971, 1996, 311p, rating=3
Interesting and appropriate title for this autobiographical novel since the character, Esther Greenwood, turned out to be a fragile young woman needing the metaphorical bell jar to incase her or could very well be that Esther felt sucked in and trapped in her own world. Perhaps she felt not part of or want to get away from the world she was in ... or or or. That's part of the beauty of this book ... it can be insightful and confusing!
A sharp young lady about to seize the world turns out to suffer from depression. Yet the portrayal of this depression wasn't depressing per se. Esther's quirkiness and personal battle was challenging and provocative enough to try for the reader's empathy. The supporting characters helped with the intrigue as well. However, this was overall too heavy for me subject and it's poetic suggestion.
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