Caarina the Cooking Fairy by Julia Dweck, YR, 2012, Kindle ebook, 26p, Rating=3.5
Source: own
Caarina is all set to create a delicious feast for the Fairy Queen. However, a pesky gremlin attempts to foil Caarina’s plan. Can Caarina “beat” him? Who will be “whipped,” gremlin or fairy? Young readers will enjoy this clever fantasy adventure, sprinkled with word play and more than a dash of fabulous fairy fun for all! (Goodreads)
Cute story about determination, persistence, and faith in one's abilities. Really lovely illustrations, very girl friendly.

Zombie-Kids by Julia Dweck, YR, 2012, Kindle ebook, 22p, Rating=5
Source: own
Zombie-Kids is a ghoulishly fun rhyming adventure. Did you know that zombies are people that have feelings, too? They like to be loved just like me and like you. Join the Zombie-Kids as they bowl, dance, skate, and go to the movies in their unique zombie-way. The Zombie-Kids will tingle your spine and tickle your funny bone. (Goodreads)
The illustrations are ghoulish and dark but the rhyming story provided an entertaining and light look. The zombies here are fun and kid friendly. This is my favorite Dweck book I've picked up to date.

Surprise in the Kitchen by Mary Lee, YR, 2012, 32p, Kindle ebook, Rating=3.5
Source: own
Mia is a sweet little girl with a big imagination. She loves adventure, but cooking is just not is not her thing. To show her mom just how much she loves her, Mia decides that she will try anything. The consequences are hilariously delightful. (Goodreads)
One can't help but adore Mia's adventurous imaginations. Here her mom invites her to make cookies. Of course it's more fun to eat them than make them. Also more fun to imagine sweet treats in the sea, on trees, etc. Later she decides to surprise her mom and make her breakfast. You can imagine how that went! ~Cute read.

The Wizard of Oz by Big Red Balloon, YR, 2013, p, Rating=3
Source: own
Based on the original L. Frank Baum's classic, this newly illustrated picture book is perfect for sharing with pre-and beginning readers. It's full of bright colorful pictures and short enough to hold their attention. This retelling even includes scenes like the giant evil spider and the land of porcelain dolls rarely seen from the original book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. (Amazon)
A synopsis kind of story telling. For example, "Once there was a happy girl ... one day a tornado came ...then this happened, then that, ...". A child friendly summary of the original Wizard of Oz story. My only qualm was the size of the framing of the picture pages. It was a bit too small (upper 1/3 of my Kindle screen) so I had to squint to read the words.

Not Just a Princess! by Mary Lee, YR, 2012, Kindle ebook, 32p, Rating=3.5
Source: own
Mia is a sweet little girl with a big imagination. She has lots of fun playing pirate, having tea with a mermaid and flying with rainbow-swans. In this adventure filled story, a girl has no limits on what she can be. (Goodreads)
Mia is not all pink, fairies, and princesses. No, her imagination takes her to a world of pirates, mermaids, and flying swans. This girl wants to explore. Good for you Mia!